Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Cedric Bixler-Zavala, The Mars Volta.

Preach on brother....

"Our records our not meant to be listened to the way most people listen to music. Our music demands your attention, demands at least an hour out of you life, and with complete silence and with complete devotion, ya know? A lot of bands don't do that sort of stuff, I guess. Or, some bands used to – but they would just get accused of being pretentious, or whatever. But it's like a movie. You shouldn't really be talking during a movie because the moment you say anything, you'll miss a really great subtle moment that expresses what a character's feeling. A character in a movie can walk in a room and not say anything, but just move his eyebrows, and it speaks fucking volumes. But if you're talking during that moment, or eating your popcorn, or opening the candy wrapper, you missed it. And then you say the movie sucks because you were too dense to watch it the way you were supposed to watch it. Our music should be listened to in a very specific way, I mean…headphones were made for a reason, ya know?"

Cedric Bixler-Zavala. The Mars Volta

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